We use the latest technology in plate production.



With 3 CDI-machines and 3 direct laser-engraving machines in-house, there’s pretty much no job that we cannot solve. With two-team operations and 2 washout lines, we ensure a stable and secure production.

With photo-polymer plates, laser-engraved platers, EPDM plates, Fast In The Round-sleeves, and  laser-engraved EPDM sleeves, we produce many varied products without hassle. Our production of Fast In The Round-sleeves is the first chemical-free commercial installation for sleeves in the world. 

Our machinery handles the HD-technique, HD-screening and different types of microcell structures in combination with our Digiflow system. Digiflow is exposure in a hermetically sealed chamber filled with nitrogen, where the top of the printable part is controlled. We utilize the best from both Flattop- and Roundtop-dot technology.

Reprovej 2-4, DK-8722 Hedensted
Tel. +45 7589 1911
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